Monday, November 4, 2013


Welcome to my little corner of the web. I'm your dedicated reader and recipe maker, Tanya. My family and I live in north-central Colorado. I have 3 children in the just moved out/ finishing high school period of their lives and my husband works in the energy industry. I have been a parts-runner, bakery thrift shop manager, 911 dispatcher, and court clerk. Currently I am ecstatic to be working from my home. With all the kids leaving the nest and the husband working crazy long hours I find myself with time to read and cook like never before.  I hope you enjoy the books and recipes I'm sharing with you in this blog.
I will be giving my reviews of the books I have read along with a recipe that ties in with the book in some way.  I reserve the right to throw in whatever else sparks my fancy, usually book related humor,  art, jewelry, podcasts, author events I attend and the like. I invite you to join me in the exploration of reading and making some (hopefully) good food.

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